Lisa R. Young, Ph.D., R.D., C.D.N. is an internationally recognized nutritionist and portion control expert. Dr. Young’s accomplishments include: author, international lecturer, media consultant, private practice nutritionist, and adjunct professor of nutrition in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies at New York University (NYU). She is the author of The Portion Teller Plan published by Crown, a division of Penguin Random House.
Widely considered an expert on portion sizes, Dr. Young is regularly featured in national publications including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the Boston Globe, the Washington Post, Newsweek, Self, Health, Redbook, and Glamour. She has also been featured on national television including ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, TODAY, MSNBC, FOX, and CNN, and appeared in the U.S. award winning documentary Super Size Me and the U.K. BBC documentary series The Men Who Made Us Fat where she traced the history of growing food portions.
Her research interests focus on the contribution of increasing portion sizes to the US obesity epidemic, and its implications for nutrition education and public policy. She lectures internationally on portion control, nutrition, and wellness. She has lectured at prestigious meetings including the American Public Health Association, American Heart Association, the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior, and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics annual conventions. Young is a member of various professional organizations including the American Public Health Association, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, (formerly known as the American Dietetic Association), Nutrition Entrepreneurs, and the Greater New York Dietetic Association.
Dr. Young is a media nutritionist and consultant, and serves as a nutrition adviser, health educator, and media spokesperson. In this capacity, corporations, major media outlets, schools, health departments, law firms, public relations firms, and publishing houses have turned to Dr. Young for her experience, expertise, and knowledge on topics such as nutrition, wellness, portion control, and health trends. She served as an adviser to the NYC Department of Healthy and Mental Hygiene on various portion-control initiatives.
Young is the author of numerous academic publications published in professional journals including the American Journal of Public Health, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Journal of Public Health Policy, Nutrition Reviews, and International Journal of Obesity.
Young currently blogs for Huffington Post on current issues related to portion control, nutrition, and health and has been an advisory board member for Fitness magazine and Bottom Line Women’s Health.
Dr. Lisa Young is a nutritionist in private practice and has been counseling adults and children for more than 25 years. Young offers individual counseling sessions on a wide variety of nutrition related issues including obesity and weight control, disease prevention, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, pregnancy, lactation, and gastrointestinal disorders. Dr. Young has been involved in clinical obesity research studies at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and at St. Lukes-Roosevelt Hospital Center; and has consulted for various weight management programs in New York City.
Young has served as the nutrition expert for Allure, Fitness, Prevention, Marie Claire, and Redbook magazines and has contributed articles for health magazines and newsletters. She was a regular contributor to The Bottom Line Health Newsletter where she wrote a column Nutritionist’s Picks.
Dr. Young received her doctorate and master’s degrees in Nutrition from NYU, and her bachelor’s degree in Economics and Health Care Administration from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. She is also a registered dietitian. The Israel Cancer Research Fund (ICRF) named Dr. Young a “Woman of Action.”
Dr. Lisa Young is available for private nutrition counseling sessions, group classes on nutrition, corporate wellness programs, lectures, media interviews and appearances. If you would like to set up an appointment with Dr. Young, or if you would like additional information about services available, please feel free to contact her directly at
Lisa R. Young, PhD, RD, CDN is an internationally recognized nutritionist in private practice and offers counseling to adults and children. Dr. Young designs personalized weight control programs that are healthy, safe, and practical, while also incorporating the latest scientific research. Through her personalized approach, and her emphasis on portion sizes, she teaches clients to stop dieting and learn how to eat sensibly while incorporating the foods they love. Clients learn how to make long-term and realistic changes to achieve and maintain a healthier body weight. While based in New York, Dr. Young also works with clients all over the world via skype, phone, and computer.
Dr. Young provides medical nutrition therapy on a wide variety of issues including cardiovascular disease and diabetes. She evaluates current eating and lifestyle behaviors and makes appropriate and personalized recommendations while taking your medical history into account. She also provides nutrition plans in conjunction with your physician and therapist to insure a successful outcome. Dr. Young also offers group counseling sessions and behavior modification classes onsite, at your office, or at a convenient location for your group.
Lisa R. Young, PhD, RD is a dynamic public speaker and is widely sought after to lecture to health care professionals, researchers, policy makers, and the lay public. She lectures internationally on a wide variety of nutrition topics including portion size trends and the obesity epidemic, dieting and weight control, disease prevention, wellness, nutrition and heart health, eating well while aging, healthy eating for kids, the truth about food labels, and many current issues and controversies in the field. She conducts group classes and workshops on nutrition, wellness, weight control, and behavior modification. Dr. Young also conducts “lunch and learn” programs on a wide variety of nutrition topics for corporations.
Dr. Young has given lectures at many prestigious organizations, government agencies, universities, medical centers, wellness centers, spas, resorts, retreats, and other facilities:
• American Heart Association
• NYU Medical Center
• Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
• 92nd Street Y
• Maine-Harvard Preventive Research Center
• University of South Florida
• New Age Health Spa
• Ramaz School and Kehilath Jeshurun
• International Food Technology • European Parliament
• Columbia University College of Physicians
and Surgeons
• Center St. Lukes-Roosevelt Hospital Center
• Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
• New York University Cancer Institute
• Fifth Avenue Synagogue
• The Chapin School
• Orthodox Union • American Public Health Association
• U.S. Department of Education
• South Nassau Medical Center
• Society for Nutrition Education
• St John’s Episcopal Hospital
• Rancho La Puerta
• United Nation International School
• Urban Zen
…and many others
European Parliament Portion Guidance Round Table: Healthier portions for a healthier diet. Panel on nutrition, public health, and consumer science. Upcoming March 16, 2016. Brussels, Belgium.
Sparks Center. Eat Pray Love. Eat: Nutrition and women’s health. February 9, 2016. New York, NY.
Hearst Corporation Wellness Center, Good Life Lunch and Learn Program. Spices to supercharge your health. December 16, 2015. New York, NY.
Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun, Men’s Club Kiddush Discussion. Nutrition Jeopardy Q&A. October 31, 2015. New York, NY
Jewish Community Center (JCC) Manhattan. Rightsize, smartsize. What–and how much–to eat for good health. October 27, 2015. New York, NY.
Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun. Men’s Club Kiddush Discussion. Eat your heart out: Nutrition and wellness tips for heart health. April 25, 2015. New York, NY.
Haddasah Chapter Meeting of Registered Dietitian Nutritionists. Writing for the consumer. April 15, 2015. New York, NY
Ramaz Middle School. Nutrition Assembly. Nutrition: What is healthy eating? March 3, 2015. New York, NY.
Healthful Motherhood Summit. Portion control 101 [teleseminar]. February 13, 2015. New York NY.
Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun, Men’s Club Kiddush Discussion. Rightsize, supersize: Nutrition tips for good health. January 31, 2015. New York, NY.
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